Dreams become reality, the future is now.
Design Thinking is far more than a creative method. Design Thinking is a multidisciplinary process of problem-solving and solution-finding strategies. The method exceeds all - beyond boundaries, to find solutions you have never ever dreamt of. It encourages to ideate a broad variety of - allegedly impossible solutions, which – undergo a sophisticated filter process to harvest and realise the very best essence of it.
Furthermore, Design Thinking‘s focus is comprehending people’s needs. The client as a biological, emotional and cognitive being - is top priority. – In regards to electronical device- this means - that even the most inexperienced client does not need an operating manual – in order to handle it. Thereby our method - creates maximal product acceptance and contributes to a full sales success.
"These trends will result in a computer at the size of a mobile phone, but with all - and more - functions of a computer. In this all-in one mobile device a camera, a scanner, a voice recorder and other features will be integrated. By mobile service you can use it either as a phone or for data communication."
Prophecies one decade before the iPhone was launched:
Ulrich Bode (CEO Trochos GmbH),
Die Informationsrevolution, Gabler Verlag 1997
Disruptive Innovation is also referred to as a breakthrough innovation or radical innovation. Since disruptive innovations have a strong potential for development, they can start a process that overtakes all existing ones, displaces market leaders and redefines industry rules. Trends, hidden needs and market gaps are the receipe for successful market revolutions by disruptive innovation. Unknown new markets come to life and open up new business models and customer groups.
Disruptive Innovations often start at the bottom of a market. Start-ups
with high flexibility and flat hierachies are predestined for making radical innovations happen. Sometimes inconspicuously deriving from a niche market they often relentlessly rush up the market so that even well established competitors can be displaced.
So better be one step ahead - or two - by disruptive innovation.
and Innovation

We firmly believe that consultancy should go beyond the task of merely being a consultant. We take care of your business as if it was our own. Our main goal is not only to focus on strategic factors, but even more so to keep track on its successful outcome. It is our mission to develop smart solutions based on an individual approach.
It is our vision to carry out high class business results, but even more so to add value to all other sectors of life as well, such as: the improvement of quality of life, social interaction, comfort, leisure time and network of success.
Based on our extensive experience and broad innovation development we can offer you a multifaceted prism of services including well-grounded knowledge in IT and Design. Thus our business and project management surpasses the expertise of a generalist.
We have a wide spectrum of expertise in areas such as automotive, finance, public government, publishing, sports and education and can therefore offer you a high class and broad solution competence in diverse sectors.
Today’s mission is to live a good life, to feel secure, and happy while being surrounded by good friends. It is important to relish in your success and to rejoice on tomorrow. Using innovations greatly helps to improve the quality of your life. And improving the quality of each individual’s life is what people truly desire.
Become the innovator of your business sector, exceed in premium quality, with the best values and benefits.
An initial consultation as well as a kick-off meeting build the starting point for first impulses.
This phase is called vision building: we create concepts, gather information, generate ideas and develop future scenarios.
This is the implementation phase: visions become reality.
The company as well as the business model undergo a transformation process.
It sets the stage for extensive research: it is crucial to understand the business in detail, to explore the market situation, follow up trends and develop a solid picture of possible competitors.
We implement a proof of concept, set a mission statement, elaborate on resources while keeping an eye on the efficiency criteria and develop a business plan.
To get in contact or request more information, please fill in your contact details.
MAIL: mail@trochos.com
WEB: www.trochos.com
TEL: ++ 49 (0) 171 8 29 29 39
FAX: ++ 49 (0) 89 92 18 50 93
Georg-Koch-Str. 4
82223 Eichenau, Germany